A beginner in cross-country skiing faces a lot of questions. He has to choose skis, wear, but one of the hardest questions is one about the bindings. It causes a lot of misunderstandings as there are two major cross-country ski bindings systems. SNS and NNN are the major letters you will see and need to understand what they mean before you will choose the right bindings and boots. Here is our quick guide to the different Cross-Country Ski Bindings systems and the difference between SNS and NNN.
Looking for the right length of your new Nordic skis? Check our easy to use Ski Length Calculator
SNS and NNN (meaning and difference)
In the beginning, it is good to know what the abbreviations mean. SNS means Salomon Nordic System.
NNN means New Nordic Norm. Now, when you know it you can forget it, as usually everywhere just the three magic letters SNS and NNN are used.
Both systems are not compatible. So if you have NNN ski boots, you can use them just with NNN bindings. If you have SNS ski boots, it will work just with SNS cross-country ski bindings.
Both systems use the metal rod at the toe of the shoes which connects the ski boot with ski bindings (via clip-in mechanism). O.k., so what makes the difference between SNS and NNN? The ridges on the rest of the bindings. Matching ridges on the ski boots and bindings gives the skier grip and control. They are different. NNN system has two parts and two ridges. SNS system has one basic ridge. Look at the pictures below and you will understand.

Rossignol NNN Bindings with two ridges at the top & Atomic SNS Bindings with one ridge at the bottom
NNN ski boots have two channels that line up with corresponding ridges on the NNN bindings.

NNN Prolink boot outsole (matches ridges on NNN bindings)
View available NNN ski bindings and boots at Amazon here.
SNS ski boots have one channel that corresponds with one ridge on SNS bindings.

SNS Profil boot outsole (matches the ridge on SNS bindings)
View available SNS ski bindings and boots at Amazon here.
Which cross-country ski bindings system is better?
Good question but there is no answer to it. Basically, both systems are equally good. I tried both and I did not notice any clear advantage or disadvantage of one or other systems. Both systems are used by amateurs, recreational skiers, and professionals too. The choice is up to you. Just keep in mind, that ski boots and bindings have to be the same system. Either SNS or NNN. So if you already have ski boots, check what system they support.
From my personal observation, the NNN system is used a bit more than SNS. Though, currently, the new Turnamic binding system is taking the lead.
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Salomon SNS Profil Auto Universe XC Ski Bindings | Fischer Bcx Auto Nnn Cross Country Ski Bindings | Rossignol Control Step in XC Ski Bindings |
Brands: | Brands: | Brands: |
Other derivations of Cross Country Ski Bindings
Development and innovations are alive also in cross-country skiing. Therefore we have also some derivations of basic SNS and NNN systems.
3-PIN (NN)
3-PIN (or NN) bindings are the oldest system of bindings, where the boot is attached to skis via three pins that are placed in the holes on the bottom of the boot, and a metal clamp is used for fixing the ski boot. This system is still used in some of Whitewood’s cross-country skis.
SNS PILOT – the boot is connected to the ski via two metal rods.
NNN NIS – NIS means a Nordic integrated system, which was developed by Rottefella, Madshus, and Rossignol. NIS is the plate integrated into the ski. Then you can add NNN bindings just via the click-on system without any drilling into the ski.
TURNAMIC BINDINGS – Turnamic is a new binding system developed by Fischer and Rossignol and is used at all new cross-country skis of these brands.
View available Turnamic ski bindings and boots at Amazon here.
Boots and Bindings Compatibility Quick Check Table
Boots | Compatible Bindings |
75 mm | 3-PIN |
What to buy first? Cross Country Ski Bindings or Boots?
It really does not matter. But you have to keep in mind, that Ski Boots and Ski Bindings have to be compatible. People usually start with boots. When they find comfortable ski boots they like, then they buy appropriate bindings. Another usual approach is to buy cross-country ski packages, which comprise everything you need. Skis, Boots, Bindings (already installed), and Poles.
Whitewoods 75mm 3Pin Cross Country Ski Package |
Whitewoods Cross Tour Skis |
“NIS is the wooden part integrated into the ski.”
I have never seen an NIS mounting plate of wood. It is normally made of plastic. On roller skis it is sometimes cut out of the metal shaft of the roller ski.
There are today two more binding systems in addition to NNN and SNS, and these are Prolink, introduced by Atomic and Salomon in 2016, and Turnamic, introduced by Fischer and Rossignol in 2017, both are, however, compatible with NNN.
Thanks for the correction.
We wrote about the Turnamic Bindings here.
Oh, what to do in 2021?! Many years ago perhaps 16 year ago I bought a pair of Atomic Vasa Classic 196 cm in length for a woman who is 166,7 cm long. On those skis I have Salomans SNS (Saloman Nordic System) Profil bindings. Well my classical ski boots wore out (split) at the heel. I am a strong and experienced skier who actually prefers the freestyle (skate) motion over the classical. I always was able to do freestyle on my Atomic Vasa Classic skis. That is probably the main reason the boots wore out. I am now considering after 16 years buying a combi boot. But the problem that comes up now is which combi boot would be suitable for my Salomans SNS (Saloman Nordic System) Profil bindings in 2021? What is the difference between buying a combi boot and a skate boot? Would the combi boot function well with my Atomic Vasa Classic? Or would I be better off buying a skate ski and skate ski boots if I prefer to do freestyle?
I think you should buy skate skis with NNN compatible bindings, poles of the appropriate length for skate skiing (90 % of your body height), and a pair of NNN compatible combi boots. The SNS bindings on your Atomic Vasa Classic should be replaced with NNN compatible bindings that fit the screw holes in the ski; that can be a Prolink, Turnamic or NIS binding, the two latter with mounting plates for the SNS screw hole pattern.
i found a pair of pre-1989 adidas SL5 skis. they have 3 pins. i have no idea what kind of boots/bindings would be needed, any ideas? thanks in advance

try 3-Pin boots:
“3-PIN (or NN) bindings are the oldest system of bindings, where the boot is attached to skis via three pins that are placed in the holes on the bottom of the boot, and a metal clamp is used for fixing the ski boot. This system is still used in some of Whitewood’s cross-country skis.”
I have a pair of 30 year old Madsus skis that I have started using again after 20 years of them being stored in the rafters of my garage (been spending winters in Arizona until Covid hit).
Just wondering if it is possible to use skins on them (I’m guessing that the answer is “no’, but I thought I’d ask). Also, they have the 3 pin bindings ….can they be replaced with NNN bindings?
I think it is possible to glue skins on your skins but not sure about replacing the bindings.
Greetings Guru! I have Cross country skis with SNS bindings and I have wanted to go backpacking/winter camping in Minnesota’s Boundry water area. I am wondering if affixing a binding plate to my snowshoes would be easier to use especially for going uphill. Any thoughts as to the best compatibility or should I just use the tye on binding that is on my snowshoes now? Any advantage to the NNN binding for what I am doing as I have contemplated upgrading to a warmer boot. Thank you! Take care and stay well!
I got lost in the question 🙂
use what you have, at least you will save money 🙂
I just bought a pair of Salomon cross country ski boots e4 that are for the sns bindings. Would these boots be compatible with Solomon’s profile bindings? Thank you for your help!
I think that Salomon produce boots compatible with its bindings but can not find e4 boots so can not check for sure.
I have a pair of old wooden skis. Are there shops in New Jersey that will service them and tar the bottoms. Can you still get wax for wood skis
Is there any place to get new SNS Boots???
I bought used (new) Atomic RS10 skis that have never had bindings mounted. The skis have a groove or channel down the middle. What kind of bindings should I buy to mount on these skis?
Salomon SNS Pilot should fit your skis.
will NNN ski boots work on NNN2 bindings?